Caring for Carnivores

**All carnivorous plants should be in pots with drainage holes with aquatic Utricularia and Pinguicula being an exception (always keep Pinguicula moist if in drainless pot).
N. bicalcarata (Sipitang, Borneo) AW


Lowland: Day: Mid 90s - Night: Mid 70s °F
Intermediate: Day: Mid 80s - Night: Mid 60s °F
Highland: Day: High 70s °F - Night: Mid 50s °F

-Light (12-14HR photo period)
Lowland: Medium
Intermediate: Bright
Highland: Very Bright

For best results 70%>

50:50 Long Fiber Sphagnum Moss and Perlite

Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY!




D. burmanii 'Green'


40s°- 80s °F
Temperate: 70s - Mid 80s°F (best results outside)
Tropical: Mid 70s - High 80s °F
Tuberous: 30s - High 60s °F

-Light (12-14HR photo period)
Very Bright/Full Sun/Sunny Windowsill
Tuberous: ~8HR photo period during Summer Dormancy if inside

For best results 60%>

60:40 Peat Moss and Perlite

ALWAYS sitting in a tray with at least 2 inches of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY 
Tuberous: Let tray and pot dry out and lightly overhead water once every 2 weeks.

Temperate: Yes. Winter Dormancy. Triggered by less sunlight and colder temperatures from October to February.
Tropical: None
Tuberous: Yes. Summer Dormancy. Triggered by high temperatures usually in the 90s typically from May to September.


P. 'Hanka'

Mexican/Tropical: High 60s - High 80s °F
Temperate: 70s - High 80s °F (best results outside)
Warm Temperate: 70s - High 90s °F

-Light (12-14HR photo period)
Very Bright/Sunny Windowsill

For best results 50%>

50:25:25 Peat Moss, Sand, and Perlite

ALWAYS sitting in a tray with an inch of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY
Mexican/Tropical: Should let dry out a little during the Winter season during their "Winter Succulent" phase

Mexican/Tropical: "Winter Succulent" phase during the Winter season
Temperate: Yes. Triggered by less sunlight and colder temperatures from October to February.
Warm Temperate: May go dormant in Winter


S. 'Lunchbox' x "Hawaiian Ice"


Low 70s - High 90s °F (best results outside)

-Light (12-14HR photo period)
Full Sun

For best results 30%>

50:50 Peat Moss and Perlite

ALWAYS sitting in a tray with at least a few inches of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY

Yes. Triggered by less sunlight and colder temperatures about 50°-60°F (beginning in Fall if outdoors).

If plant is outside and temperatures fall below 20°F or if the temperature doesn't go below 50°F then put in a cold area like a basement during dormancy period. If you do not have a basement then use the fridge method to induce dormancy:

•cut off pitchers about an inch from rhizome
•clean off roots completely bare
• wrap roots in damp sphagnum moss
• put plant in plastic bag
• put bag in the refrigerator
    *This should be done at the end of October and brought out Mid-February.


    Dionaea m. 'Martah's Lips'


    Low 70s - High 90s °F (best results outside) 

    -Light (12-14HR photo period)
    Full Sun

    For best results 30%>

    50:50 Peat Moss and Perlite

    ALWAYS sitting in a tray with at least a few inches of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY

    Yes. Triggered by less sunlight and colder temperatures about 50°-60°F (beginning in Fall if outdoors).

    If plant is outside and temperatures fall below 20°F or if the temperature doesn't go below 50°F then put in a cold area like a basement during dormancy period. If you do not have a basement then use the fridge method to induce dormancy:

    •cut off pitchers about an inch from rhizome
    •clean off roots completely bare
    • wrap roots in damp sphagnum moss
    • put plant in plastic bag
    • put bag in the refrigerator
      *This should be done at the end of October and brought out Mid-February.


      Cephalotus folicularis, Charles Brewer


      50s - 80s °F

      -Light (12-14HR photo period)
      Very Bright

      For best results 40%>

      70:30 Sand and Peat Moss

      Sitting in a tray with less than an inch of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY
      *Let tray dry for a day before filling up tray again

      Not so much in cultivation.


      H. minor selection 4 AW


      Day: 70s °F - Night: High 50s °F

      -Light (12-14HR photo period)
      Very Bright

      For best results 75%>

      40:60 Long Fiber Sphagnum Moss and Perlite

      Sitting in a tray with an inch of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY

      *Let tray dry for a day before filling up tray again



      Darlingtonia californica


      High 60s - 80s °F

      *Warm roots can kill this plant quickly*

      -Light (12-14HR photo period)
      Very Bright/Full Sun

      For best results 30%>

      30:70 Long Fiber Sphagnum Moss (or Peat Moss) and Perlite

      Top water every night with cold Distilled or Reverse Osmosis water ONLY

      Yes. Triggered by less sunlight and colder temperatures about 50°-60°F (beginning in Fall if outdoors).

      *If it snows or there is ice in your area during the Winter, put inside on a Sunny Windowsill.


      U. sandersonii 'Blue'



      Terrestrial and Aquatic Species
      60s - 80s °F

      Tropical Species
      Low 70s - High 80s °F

      -Light (12-14HR photo period)

      Terrestrial and Aquatic Species
      Very Bright/Full Sun to Partial Shade

      Tropical Species
      Medium/Partial Shade


      Terrestrial Species
      For best results 30%>

      Tropical Species
      For best results 70%>


      Terrestrial Species
      70:30 Peat Moss and Perlite or Sand

      Tropical Species
      50:50 Long Fiber Sphagnum Moss and Perlite

      Aquatic Species
      1 cup of Peat Moss mixed with every 1 Gallon of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY

      Terrestrial and Tropical Species
      ALWAYS sitting in a tray with at least 2 inches of Reverse Osmosis or Distilled Water ONLY
